The increasing competition of domestic, regional & global market, added by escalation of uncertainty in business world, encouraged the companies to increase their executives' knowledge within the new paradigm in management of technology sector. In order to assist the organization’s executives in industries, services and governments sector to understand and able to apply those paradigm, Master’s Program in Management of Technology (MMT) – 10th November Institute of Technology (ITS) established Advanced Learning Program which provides further insight & training for Executives in Management of Technology.


Peningkatan kompetisi pasar domestik, regional & global ditambah dengan peningkatan ketidakpastian dalam dunia bisnis mendorong perusahaan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan eksekutif mereka dalam paradigma baru dalam sektor manajemen teknologi. Untuk membantu eksekutif organisasi dalam sektor industri, servis dan pemerintahan dalam memahami dan mampu mengaplikasikan paradigma tersebut, Magister Manajemen Teknologi (MMT) - ITS menyelenggarakan Advanced Learning Program yang memberikan pemahaman dan pelatihan mendalam bagi Eksekutif dalam Manajemen Teknologi.


Workshop Agenda 2008

Advanced Learning Program will conduct some workshops which will be held from March to August 2008. Some of the topics are:

  • Design for Six Sigma (DFSS): Quality Engineering Using Taguchi’s Robust Design,
  • Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for Customer Satisfaction Research,
  • Return on Quality (ROQ): Measuring The Financial Impact of Your Company’s Quest for Quality,
  • Computer Based Statistical Methods for Marketing Research,
  • Six Sigma Quality Improvement: Creating Statistically Based Continuous Improvement, and
  • Optimal Design and Control of Stochastic System: Profiting from Uncertainty.

The six workshop topics above will provide and also enrich the executives with the reliable and modern methodologies in gemanament of technology in order to be the leader of its implementation.

Workshops Overview

Return on Quality (ROQ) * August 23th - 24th, 2008 *

Return on Quality (ROQ) is a methodology to measure the effectiveness of quality improvement program investment. ROQ approachment is based on the assumption that quality improvement is indeed an investment, and those investment has to be financially accountable. Interrelated with the investment, service quality and customer satisfaction must be able to be correlated with the retention rate and market share.
eturn on Quality (ROQ) adalah suatu metodologi untuk mengukur efektifitas investasi program peningkatan kualitas. Pendekatan Return on Quality (ROQ) didasarkan pada asumsi bahwa peningkatan kualitas adalah investasi dan investasi yang dilakukan harus dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara finansial. Berkaitan dengan investasi tersebut, service quality dan customer satisfaction harus dapat dikaitkan dengan retention rate dan market share.